M1 to M7 Diode Series

M1 to M7 Diode Series: Pinout, Datasheet, and Applications


    In the world of electronics, diodes are the unsung heroes that shape the behavior of currents in circuits. The M1 to M7 diode series, a group of rectifier diodes, takes center stage when it comes to converting alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) and rectifying voltage waveforms. In this comprehensive guide, we'll uncover the pinout, delve into the datasheet, and explore the applications that make the M1 to M7 diodes indispensable components in modern electronics. The M1 to M7 diode series is a family of rectifier diodes optimized for high-speed switching applications. These diodes are commonly used in power supply circuits and bridge rectifiers to convert AC voltage into usable DC voltage.

Key Features:

1. Rapid Switching: The M1 to M7 diodes are known for their swift recovery times, making them suitable for high-frequency applications.

2. High Voltage and Current Ratings: These diodes can handle substantial voltage and current levels, adding versatility to their applications.

3. Compact Design: Their small form factor facilitates easy integration into circuits with space constraints.


1. Bridge Rectifiers: The M1 to M7 diodes are a cornerstone of bridge rectifier configurations, transforming AC voltage into smooth DC voltage.

2. Power Supplies: They play a crucial role in power supply circuits, ensuring the rectification of voltage for consistent DC output.

3. Voltage Clamping: These diodes find use in voltage clamping circuits that protect sensitive components from overvoltage.

4. Reverse Polarity Protection: In circuits requiring reverse polarity protection, the M1 to M7 diodes serve as a safeguard.

Different Models in the Series:

  •     M1: Rated at 50V
  •     M2: Rated at 100V
  •     M3: Rated at 200V
  •     M4: Rated at 400V
  •     M5: Rated at 600V
  •     M6: Rated at 800V
  •     M7: Rated at 1000V

The specific model is chosen based on the voltage requirements of the application.

Benefits and Considerations:

  • Efficient Rectification: The fast switching speed of the M1 to M7 diodes ensures efficient AC to DC voltage conversion.
  • Reliability: High voltage and current ratings make these diodes a dependable solution for power supply applications.
  • Heat Dissipation: Adequate heat sinking might be necessary for applications with high power requirements to prevent overheating.


    The M1 to M7 diodes share a common pinout configuration:

         1.Anode: The anode is the positive terminal of the diode.

       2.Cathode: The cathode is the negative terminal and marks the end with a stripe.


    The M1 to M7 diode series plays a pivotal role in modern electronics, particularly in rectification and power supply applications. With their high-speed switching and robust ratings, they ensure efficient AC to DC voltage conversion. By grasping their features, exploring their applications, and referring to the datasheet, you'll be well-equipped to integrate the M1 to M7 diodes into your electronic designs, ensuring reliable and stable power solutions.

Datasheet and Further Information:

    For detailed technical specifications, consult the datasheet: M1 to M7 Diode Series Datasheet

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